Sunday, December 13, 2015

entry#11 The Final Blog

 I didn’t like blogging at first because I seem to over think the assignment and I’m not as good at responding well. But no matter what; I am a person who takes proud in my work and when it comes to my education; that’s something that shouldn’t be taking lightly. I’m glad I got to experience blogging because I wasn’t big on writing blogs just reading them, but I continue to practice and  now it’s easier to write and say what I feel. Blogging teaches you the structure of writing as you run across different types of audiences and with that you will be able to write according to the blog. Blogging helps grammar and punctuations, the more you practice the more it become natural. It was hard just remembering to do the small things such as paying attention to the instructions and making sure things are flowing. I learned that everybody in the class thinks difference, so by us responding; helps us learn how to communicate with each other. Besides that, it allow us to open are minds. blogging changed my outlook on a lot of things the assignments made me think more, making it easier to use technology  by using pictures helping me to connect with classmates but mainly it helped me with grammar and word choice. I think blogging was a little useful because it helps your writing and correct word choice; helps you with learning the internet. Blogging was a fun experience and I think it would be a positive thing to keep the blogging assignments on course schedule.

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